Prenatal alcohol exposure disrupts the development of normal fetal respiratory function, but whether it perturbs respiratory rhythmical discharge activity is unclear. Furthermore, it is un-known whether the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A receptor (5-HT2AR) is involved in the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure. In the present study, pregnant female rats received drinking water containing alcohol at concentrations of 0%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 8% or 10% (v/v) throughout the gestation period. Slices of the medulla from 2-day-old neonatal rats were obtained to record respiratory rhythmical discharge activity. 5-HT2AR protein and mRNA levels in the pre-B?tzing-er complex of the respiratory center were measured by western blot analysis and quantitative RT-PCR, respectively. Compared with the 0% alcohol group, respiratory rhythmical discharge activity in medullary slices in the 4%, 8% and 10% alcohol groups was decreased, and the reduc-tion was greatest in the 8% alcohol group. Respiratory rhythmical discharge activity in the 10%alcohol group was irregular. Thus, 8% was the most effective alcohol concentration at attenuating respiratory rhythmical discharge activity. These ifndings suggest that prenatal alcohol exposure attenuates respiratory rhythmical discharge activity in neonatal rats by downregulating 5-HT2AR protein and mRNA levels.
Many organic pollutants occur in drinking water in considerable amounts, and mimic or interfere with reproductive development and function. Furthermore, it is not known whether multiple organic pollutants (MOP) from drinking water induce uterotrophic effects.
Arsenic in drinking water is a worldwide health problem that is associated with cardiovascular disease, but the cause is currently unknown. In order to examine whether arsenic affects vasomotor tone in blood vessels, we investigated the effect of arsenic on agonist-induced vasorelaxation and vasoconstriction using the isolated rat aortic rings in in vitro organ bath system.
A drinking water supply is a complicated system in its construction,operation,maintenance and need for public health surveillance.The role of public health in a drinking water supply is to ensure public health protection in all public and community water systems from intake to tap by controlling and preventing outbreaks of infectious diseases,inspecting and monitoring water systems,licensing operating permits,and regulating the construction,alternation or extension of all public and community water systems[1].
贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫(合称两虫)都是原虫类寄生虫,其中可感染人的主要有肠贾第鞭毛虫和微小隐孢子虫[1].由于贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫的卵囊、孢囊的表面包裹着一层较厚的囊壁,因此,在环境中具有非常强的抵抗力.常规消毒工艺的氯浓度不能有效灭活隐孢子虫和贾第鞭毛虫,它们可通过水厂构筑物进入供水管网,威胁人们健康.美国环保总局1999年就开始对原水进行两虫的检测,中国卫生部在2006年12月29日发布的<生活饮用水卫生标准>(GB5749-2006)中增加了贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫的微生物指标.要求:<1个/10 L水,规定两虫的回收率需≥10%[2].我们采用Filta-Max Xpress快速法检测两虫,现对结果进行分析.
1811年,英国科学家Humphney Dvay发现了二氧化氯气体,至1850年,欧洲开始用二氧化氯消除水中的臭味,直到20世纪40年代,才发现二氧化氯可用于水的消毒.1974年Rook发现饮用水经传统的氯化消毒后,能生成三卤甲烷,且传统的水处理工艺对大量的有机物和消毒副产品无能为力,因而二氧化氯用于饮用水消毒受到广泛注意,并进行了大量的研究.
据GB/T 15481-2000idtISO/IEC 17025:1999规定[1],校准实验室或进行自校准的检测实验室,对所有的校准和各种校准类型都应具有并应用评定测量不确定度的程序.构成不确定度的来源,包括(不限于)所用的参考标准和标准物质、方法和设备、环境条件、被检测或校准物质的性能和状态以及操作人员.
AIM: Ulinastatin has been reported to be beneficial for maintenance of steroid-refractory inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but the mechanism underlying remains uncertain. Leukocyte recruitment to inflammatory site plays an important role in the pathogenesis of IBD, analysis of leukocyte and endothelium interaction may provide new avenues for treatment of IBD. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of Ulinastatin in dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) induced colitis rat model using intravital video microscopy. METHODS: Rats were given drinking water containing 3.5% (W/V) DSS for 10 days then 1% for 14 days. DSS induced colitis rats were treated Ulinastatin 3 000 unit*kg-1*d-1 via intraperitoneum during 1% DSS feeding. Controls received distilled water for 24 days. Body weight was determined for all groups. Colitis severity was assessed using histological scoring systems by H&E sections. Intravital microscopic techniques were used to quantitate leukocyte adhesion (LA), leukocyte emigration (LE) and venular protein leakage (VPL) in rat mesentery. RESULTS: DSS induced loss of body weight, whereas Ulinastatin-treated rat showed a significant increase in body weight. Histological analysis revealed improvement of colitis such as leukocyte infiltration, loss of goblet cells, transmural edema. DSS intake elicited increase in LA, LE, and VPL compared to control group. Ulinstatin significantly reversed the increase in LA, LE, and VPL induced by DSS. CONCLUSION: Administration of Ulinastatin effectively ameliorates experimental colitis by interfering with leukocyte recruitment, and may become a potential candidate for control of inflammation of IBD.
Objective:This study aimed to evaluate the acute and chronic cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of 2,6-dichloro-1,4-benzoquinone (2,6-DCBQ).Methods:NIH3T3 cells were exposed to 2,6-DCBQ for 3 and 72 h,and relative cell viability was calculated.NIH3T3 cells were treated with different concentrations of 2,6-DCBQ for 24 h.The solvent and positive controls were dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and 0.5 μmol/L ethylmethylsulfone,respectively.The values of Olive tail moment were measured by comet assay.NIH3T3 cells were then simultaneously treated with 5 μg/mL cytochalasin B and different concentrations of 2,6-DCBQ.The solvent and positive controls were DMSO and 1 μmol/L mitomycin C,respectively.Micronucleus rates were calculated after 48 h.Results:The half lethal doses of 2,6-DCBQ in NIH3T3 cells were 64.93 μmol/L for 3 h and 13.46 μmol/L for 72 h.The values of Olive tail moment in the 7.5 and 10 μmol/L groups were significantly higher than those in the solvent control (P <0.05).Moreover,the micronucleus rates in the 10 and 15 μmol/L groups were significantly higher than those in the solvent control (P<0.05).The results of comet assay and micronucleus test showed a dose-response relationship.Conclusion:2,6-DCBQ exhibited strong cytotoxicity and induced DNA and chromosomal damage in NIH3T3 cells.