POST-TRAUAMTIC HEADACHE VARIANTS Musculoskeletal Headache Musculoskeletal headache is classically characterized as a cap-like discomfort, but varies with the offending musculature.The sternocleidomastoid is notorious for referring pain retro or periorbitally.The pain may be constant or intermittent,relieved by application of heat,cold,massage and many over the counter medications including NSAIDs.There may be autonomic components to specific muscles.TMJ or craniomandibular syndrome may be considered a variant of musculoskeletal or tension headache and is almost always seen in conjunction with direct trauma to the craniomandibular complex when traumatic in origin.This type of headache is also frequently overlooked as a primary or contributory cause for PTHA.In TMJ,clicking,popping or malocclusion of the jaw may be noticed.Other etiologies of TMJD must be assessed for that may have little or nothing to do with the traumatic injury in question,whether in relation to stress or tension,dental malocclusion,and/or prior psychosexual abuse.
Caveolae (little cave)是1953年Palade在电子显微镜下发现的细颈瓶状的细胞膜内陷结构,当时命名为plasmalemmal vesicles.1955年,Yamada将其命名为Caveolae[1].该结构含有胆固醇、鞘磷脂(sphingomylin)、鞘糖脂(glycosphingolipids),是一个不溶于去垢剂的膜区域,约50~100 nm,可单个或葡萄串状成簇出现,或由多个Caveolae融合而成长管状结构,并以Caveolin蛋白为标志分子[2].
患者男,72岁,于2010年10月3日22∶10因"反复鼻出血2 d"至我院就诊.患者高血压病史数年,用药控制中.家人陪同步入检查室时右侧鼻腔有少量渗血,测血压为170/100 mm Hg,坐位前鼻镜检查见右侧鼻中隔与下鼻甲有一黏膜黏连带,位于总鼻道前下部,Little区未见明显出血点.
Case presentation A male patient, 86 years old, was admitted to our department on Dec 13, 2008 because of melena, fatigue and loss of appetite for 3 days. Present history. Three days ago, the patient's food intake decreased significantly with no obvious incentives, and his complaints were left upper abdominal discomfort and sour regurgitation after meal, with a little melena once on that day, but without fever, bone pain, nausea and vomiting, hemoptysis, mucosanguineous feces, and tenesmus, so he did not care.
Cartilag e repair, which is my main focus of study, has impressively expanded in recent years thanks to the insights provided by stem-cell research. When I began my medical career in 1983 very little of what is shared knowledge today was studied and discussed in the scientific community. Remembering the curiosity that led me to pursue this line of research, I also see that innovation in cartilage repair has shaped the entire development of my professional life.
世界卒中日的目标是推行这样一种信息--卒中是一种可治疗和可预防和灾难.2008年后每年都定在10月29日.2008年的主题是"小卒中,大麻烦(Little Strokes,Big Trouble)".
肢体延长手术已有近60年的历史.1921年Cordivilla施行了3例股骨延长手术,但由于手术并发症很多,未能推广.此后1936~1946年Mc Murrary、Bost、Abbott、Compere,White、Anderson作了大量的改进,手术仍未能普遍展开.1958年Sofield对手术后20年作了随访,认为并发症有很高百分率,手术应认真、严肃考虑才能进行.1967年Coleman、Noonan、Kawamura再提出肢体延长手术,奠定了这手术的基础.国内,1974年以来在许多医院开展,目前已经有了很大的普及.
鼻出血为耳鼻喉科的常见病,出血部大部分在鼻中隔Little区.我科自1998-11~2000-10用射频治疗Little区出血1 249例,效果显著,报道如下.