Case presentation A male patient, 86 years old, was admitted to our department on Dec 13, 2008 because of melena, fatigue and loss of appetite for 3 days. Present history. Three days ago, the patient's food intake decreased significantly with no obvious incentives, and his complaints were left upper abdominal discomfort and sour regurgitation after meal, with a little melena once on that day, but without fever, bone pain, nausea and vomiting, hemoptysis, mucosanguineous feces, and tenesmus, so he did not care.
Case presentation A female patient(a retired worker),68 years old,who complained mainly of "repeated episodes of dizziness,fatigue,vomiting in 6 years,chest tightness,chest pain for 1 year",was admitted to Heart Center,Chaoyang Hospital,Capital Medical University on February 24,2010.The patient suffered from dizziness and fatigue with unknown cause 6 years ago.She ever experienced sudden syncope and loss of conscioueness during visiting Xuanwu Hospital,when she presented with blood pressure of 62/? mmHg and slower heart rate,then her consciousness recoverd spontaneously 1-2 minutes later with no treatment.The head CT and electrocardiogram(ECG)showed no significant abnormality,and she was discharged after symptomatic treatment.Since then,the patient presented with intermittent anorexia,dizziness,nausea,vomiting,non-visual rotation,which were not affected by different body positions.All these symptoms appeared more frequently in winter,lasted for several days,relieved without any treatment.One year ago,the patient began to suffer from chest tightness and chest pain at physical activities.Each attack lasted for 3-5minutes and relieved by rest.In Xuanwu Hospital,the diagnosis of "coronary heart disease,angina pectoris " was established.After oral administration of "Wan Shuang Li" and other meidcations,chest tightness and chest pain appeared accidentally.Ten days ago,the patient experienced dizziness and vomiting(stomach contents,4-5 times a day on average).No visual rotation or tinnitus was accompanied.Twenty-nine hours before admission,the patient suffered from chest distress and chest pain again after 100 meters walking,accompanied with shoulder dispersion and sweating;the symptoms relieved after resting for 3-5 minutes.For further treatment,the patient visited Heart Center,Chaoyang Hospital.ECG showed "sinus bradycardia",and she was admittied for "arrhythmia".Since the onset,the patient displayed low blood pressure,slow heart rate,Susceptibility to coldness,frailty,poor appetite and sleep,normal stool.The body mass decreased by about 5kg over the past decade.
Case presentation A 73-year-old female was admitted into the Institute of Geriatric Cardiology,Chinese PLA General Hospital because of sudden chest pain accompanied with nausea and vomiting for 15 hours.At 3:00 on August 14th,2011,the patient suddenly suffered from severe chest pain accompanied with perspiration,nausea,vomiting,and cold extremities,but she was under normal conscious level.In the emergency room,electrocardiogram(ECG) at 18:00 showed ST segment elevation on the precordial leads.Cardiac biochemical markers increased proportionally.The patient had a history of hypertension for 10 years which was poorly controlled,chronic bronchitis for several years,cerebral ischemia attack one month ago,and diarrhea one day before admission.She denied any history of smoking,alcohol drinking,or illicit drugs use.
Argonaute 家族是一类序列高度保守的蛋白质.分子量约为100 kda,与非编码小RNA(如miRNA,siRNA,piRNA等)紧密相关.该蛋白家族均具有特征性的位于序列中间呈月牙形的PAZ(取名于3个主要的Ago蛋白质,即Piwi、Ago和Zwille[1])结构域和位于C末端的具有潜在RNaseH核酸内切酶活性、作为RNA诱导沉默复合体(RNA-induced silencing complex,RISC)酶切割活性中心的PIWI结构域[2].