Vertebral artery oriifce stenting may improve blood supply of the posterior circulation of the brain to regions such as the cerebellum and brainstem. However, previous studies have mainly focused on recovery of cerebral blood lfow and perfusion in the posterior circulation after inter-ventional therapy. This study examined the effects of functional recovery of local brain tissue on cerebellar function remodeling using blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic reso-nance imaging before and after interventional therapy. A total of 40 Chinese patients with severe unilateral vertebral artery oriifce stenosis were enrolled in this study. Patients were equally and randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The control group received drug treat-ment only. The intervention group received vertebral artery oriifce angioplasty and stenting+identical drug treatment to the control group. At 13 days after treatment, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory score was compared between the intervention and control groups. Cerebellar function remodeling was observed between the two groups using blood oxygen level-dependent function-al magnetic resonance imaging. The improvement in dizziness handicap and cerebellar function was more obvious in the intervention group than in the control group. Interventional therapy for severe vertebral artery oriifce stenosis may effectively promote cerebellar function remodeling and exert neuroprotective effects.
以兔为实验对象,模拟耳神经外科手术暴露小脑桥脑角的过程,观察内耳血供阻断不同时间与听觉损伤的关系,为提高耳神经外科手术的听觉保留效果提供借鉴. 一、材料与方法
Objective. To observe the regulating effects of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiotensinⅡ (ANG II) on the frog's pericardium, lymphatic stomata and angiogenesis so as to reveal their effects and mechanism on the mesothelial permeability, lymphatic stoma regulation and myocardial hypertrophy. Methods. VEGF and ANGⅡ were injected into the frog's peritoneal cavity so as to examine the changes of the pericardial stromata by using transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and computerized imaging analysis. Results. Scattered distributed pericardial stomata were found on the parietal pericardium of the frog with a few sinusoid mesothelial cells, whose blood supply was directly from the cardiac chambers flowing into the trabecular spaces of the myocardium (because there are no blood vessels in the myocardium of the frog). The average diameters of the pericardial stomata in VEGF and ANGⅡ groups were 1.50 μ m and 1.79 μ m respectively, which were much larger than those in the control group (0.72 μ m, P< 0.01); the average distribution densities of the stomata were 8.25/0.1 mm2 and 12.80/0.1 mm2 in VEGF and ANGⅡ groups, which were also much higher than those in the control group (3.57/0.1 mm2, P< 0.01); the sinusoid areas in VEGF and ANGⅡ groups were 2442.95 μ m2/0.1 mm2 and 2121.79 μ m2/0.1 mm2, which were larger than that in the control group (995.08 μ m2 /0.1 mm2 , P< 0.01); no angiogenesis was found in the frogs of the experimental groups. Conclusions. VEGF and ANGⅡ could strongly regulate the pericardial stomata by increasing their numbers and openings with larger diameters and higher distribution density. They could also increase the sinusoid areas with the result of the higher permeability of the pericardium, which clearly indicated that VEGF and ANGⅡ could speed up the material transfer of the pericardial cavity and play an important role in preventing myocardial interstitial edema. Yet there was no strong evidence to show the angiogenesis in the myocardium.
Objective To study the endovascular treatment of artery rupture caused by injury on which surgery was impossibly performed. Methods All 76 patients underwent selective angiography to make accurate diagnosis. Endovascular occlusion of the target artery with a balloon catheter was accomplished and surgical vessel repair followed in 13 cases. Under the condition that the blood supply of the remote limb on which the artery rupture was detected remained normal, the injured artery was obstructed completely with either detachable balloon or coil in 63 cases.Results No complication, disability, or death was found in any case.Conclusions Occlusion of the blood flow of the target vessel with balloon catheter is an easy, effective and safe preoperational approach for patients who fail to be treated perfectly with direct surgery.
INTRODUCTIONThe reason for physical rotation compression on vertebral artery atG is that there isn' t intervertebral joints between at-lantoepistrophic transverse processes. At rear of vertebral artery be-tween atlantoepistrophic transverse processes is covered by inferioroblique muscle which originates from spinous process of axis andended at transverse process of atlas. When head rotates towardsright, inferior oblique muscle of left side will rotate towards left andforward which muscle belly enters interspace of first transverse pro-cess and compress vertebral artery. At the same time, right vertebralartery enters rear of atlantoepistrophic spinous process and isn' tcompressed that ensures blood supply of basal artery. When head andneck resume neutral position, inferior obhque muscle is replaced andcompression on left vertebral artery is decompressed, so inferioroblique muscle is the anatomic base of physical compression onvertebral compression.
BACKGROUND:Professor Sun JY first reported the exist of sulcus for vertebral artery at posterior arch of atlas.If vertebral artery is stimulated or compressed when passing through sulcus,artery spasm occurred leading to circulatory blocking and ischemia of brain tissue which blood was supplied by that artery.Dizziness,headache and other symptoms appeared,that is called sulcus syndrom.Therapeutic principles:Overcoming unstability between head and neck,restoring internal and external balance,dynamic and static balance;Removing stimulating and compressing factors to vertebral artery and peripheral sympathetic nerve and /or spinal nerve,ensuring normal blood supply of vertebral artery.
Background:Atherosclerotic Occlusion(ASO) is common among middle aged and elderly population to which atherosclerosis of vital organs,disorder of blood supply in limbs,as well as limbs numb or ulcer are secondary.Rate of disbilitation and amputee is high.So,management and prevention of disbilation are very important.
INTRODUCTION In this study,we investigated effect of hyperbaric oxygen(HBO) on the hypertension- induced basio- cerebral hemorrhage.The affected patients often showed signs of cerebral circulation disorder,spasm of vessels,insufficiency of cerebral blood supply and intracranial hypertension.
Sinus node dysfunction most often is found in the elderly as an isolated phenomenon. Although interruption of the blood supply to the sinus node may produce dysfunction, the correlation between obstruction of the sinus node artery and clinical evidence of sinus node dysfunction is poor.
AIM: To study the changes in capillarity of skeletal muscle during acclimation to high altitude, and explore the effects of a certain extent physical activity under hypoxia on capillary formation and the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in this process. METHODS: 48 Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: Ⅰ normoxic control; Ⅱ hypoxia and Ⅲ hypoxia+exercise. Rats of Ⅱ and Ⅲ groups were subjected to hypobaric hypoxia for 5 weeks (23 h/d). They were first brought to simulated 4 000 m altitude, where rats of the Ⅲgroup were forced to swim for 1 h/d (6 d/week). Then the animals were ascent to 5 000 m. Biomicrosphere method was used to determine blood flow of skeletal muscle. The mean fiber cross-sectional area (FCSA), capillary density (CD) and capillary/fiber ratio (C/F) of red portion of the lateral head of the gastrocneminus were assayed by myofibrillar ATPase histochemistry. VEGF and its receptor KDR were assayed with immunohistochemistry method.RESULTS: By comparison with the normoxic control, 5-week hypoxic exposure resulted in a decrease in cross-sectional area of skeletal muscle fiber and an increase in CD, but the C/F remained unchanged. The blood supply to the gastrocnemius was not changed. After 5-week-exercise at high altitude, the muscle fibers did not undergo atrophy. CD, C/F, and the blood flow at rest increased significantly. VEGF protein was found primarily in the matrix between muscle fibers; KDR were shown mainly in endothelial cells of capillary. VEGF was more strongly stained in the skeletal muscle of hypoxia-exercise rats.CONCLUSION: Hypoxia itself can not induce neovascularization. While exercise during hypoxic exposure can lead to capillary formation. VEGF and KDR may play roles in it. New capillary formation benefits the blood supply, oxygen delivery and working performance at high altitude.
从上个世纪50年代来,以解剖复位和坚强固定为宗旨的AO内固定技术,一直在骨折治疗领域中占据主导位置,但是解剖复位和坚强固定常常以严重损伤骨的血供为代价,由此而导致的术后骨不连、骨质疏松以及去内固定后再骨折等并发症屡见不鲜[1].近年来,以保护骨折局部的血供为原则的生物学固定(bio-logical osteosynthesis BO)新概念正在逐步形成[2],在BO原则指导下,为了保护骨折局部的血供,围绕内固定的形状、手术方式和入路等进行了诸多研究和尝试,接骨板和髓内钉是最常用的两类内固定物,现就两者在此方面进展作一综述.
四肢主干血管损伤能否得到及时正确的诊治常常关系到患者的安危、肢体的存活及功能恢复程度,特别是对于某些复杂的肢体创伤,术前因各种原因导致肢体缺血时间较长,尽快重建肢体血供显得极为紧迫和必要.根据目前国外文献[1-3]报道,我们尝试使用血管临时腔内转流(temporary intravascular shunts,TIVS)技术快速复通1例患者的损伤桡动脉,结果缩短了术中肢体缺血时间,报告如下.
肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)典型的CT征象为平扫显示(稍)低密度影,增强扫描呈"速升速降"型强化,其病理生理学基础为HCC由肝动脉供血且血供丰富.而乏血供型HCC较为少见,增强扫描强化形式多样,容易导致误诊.本文对经过手术病理/肝穿刺活检或临床随访证实的12例乏血供型HCC进行分析研究,旨在加深对此类HCC的认识,提高术前诊断准确率.
Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effects of retrograde interlocking intramedullary nailing under arthroscopy on supracondylar femoral fractures. Methods: From June 1999 to December 2000, 17 patients with supracondylar femoral fracture were treated with arthroscopically assisted implantation of retrograde interlocking intramedullary nail and close reduction. Results: More than 6-month follow-up study after operation in 11 patients revealed that the average healing time was 3 months. Average range of the knee motion for all the patients was more than 90 degrees. There was no implant breakage and infection. Conclusions: This new method, combining the advantage of arthroscope and retrograde interlocking intramedullary nail, can provide a stable and reliable fixation, and meanwhile is less invasive to the soft tissue and knee, less operative time and blood loss, minimal disruption of the blood supply in fracture site. It is conducive to the fracture healing and the functional recovery of the knee joint and worthwhile to be recommended.
Osteocytes, the most abundant bone cells, form an interconnected network in the lacunar-canalicular pore system (LCS) buried within the mineralized matrix, which allows osteocytes to obtain nutrients from the blood supply, sense external mechanical signals, and communicate among themselves and with other cells on bone surfaces. In this study, we examined key features of the LCS network including the topological parameter and the detailed structure of individual connections and their variations in cortical and cancellous compartments, at different ages, and in two disease conditions with altered mechanosensing (perlecan deficiency and diabetes). LCS network showed both topological stability, in terms of conservation of connectivity among osteocyte lacunae (similar to the‘‘nodes’’ in a computer network), and considerable variability the pericellular annular fluid gap surrounding lacunae and canaliculi (similar to the‘‘bandwidth’’ of individual links in a computer network). Age, in the range of our study (15–32 weeks), affected only the pericellular fluid annulus in cortical bone but not in cancellous bone. Diabetes impacted the spacing of the lacunae, while the perlecan deficiency had a profound influence on the pericellular fluid annulus. The LCS network features play important roles in osteocyte signaling and regulation of bone growth and adaptation.