硫酸庆大霉素是氨基糖甙类抗生素,其薄层色谱鉴别采用三氯甲烷-甲醇-浓氨溶液(1:1:1)[1-3]混和,放置1 h,分取混和溶液的下层溶液为展开剂,操作烦琐,费时;展开后,标准品和供试品溶液的主斑点比移值Rf极小(0.036~0.13),各斑点间分离较差,斑点拖尾严重,即使展开时间长,分离效果也不理想.
1 GENERAL DATA Case condition:Famle,aged 35 years old,craninal bone repair was performed on May 1998.deficiency of cranial 5 cm× 5 cm,region:tempora and parietal area.Operative time:type of operation is II type repair,repair material was fixed with double size 7 silk,and moulded under local intensified anesthesin.Wound were duched with gentamycin sulfate liquid,drain was laid,removed on next day.Secondary operation:Result of exploration(leading to pain):subcutaneous hydrops.