【genetic diseases】相关文献(2)
  • 《白求恩医科大学学报》 CSTPCD 北大核心 1999年2期

    Hepatocarcinoma is a disease that threatens human health. To date,the known etiology of hepatocarcinomahas not been narrowed down to just one factor. It is possible that there are their own causes in different areas.Thus, there are no absolute, but relative therapy to cure all kinds of hepatocarcinoma. Presently,there exists other treatment for the hepatocarcinoma which cannot be operated by surgery, such as cryosurgery,photodynamic therapy,immunotherapy,interventional radiotherapy and targeting therapy.With the development of molecular biology ,gene therapy offers new possibilities in the treatment of genetic diseases,tumors,AIDS and other gene defect disease.

    targeting therapy molecular biology genetic diseases Human Health
  • 应用第二代DNA测序技术于遗传性疾病的研究

    《山东大学学报(医学版)》 CSTPCD 北大核心 2011年10期

    1 Genetic disease Genetic disease is one of the top classes of human diseases.Several thousand types of human genetic diseases have been identified.Most of the family may contain genetic disorders,and at least 10 percent of all adults contain genetic defects (http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/228874/human-geneticdisease) [1].In China,over 1 million new born babies have genetic birth deficiency annually (http://www.dcmst.org.cn/bencandy.php? fid =14&id =273 ).While the individuals with genetic diseases passed away before reaching the reproduction age will eliminate the diseases from the human population,the individuals reaching the reproduction age will transmit the diseases to the new generation,therefore,the diseases will remain in the human population.China has the largest human population in the world and Shandong is one of the most populated provinces in China.In the foreseeable future,most of the genetic diseases will not be curable.

    应用 第二代 测序技术 遗传性疾病 genetic diseases genetic disease the World
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