  • 中国骨与关节临床的康复之梦

    《中国骨与关节杂志》 CSTPCD 2014年9期

    康复医学的诞生与骨科密切相关。骨科的英文单词 Orthopedics就是治疗19世纪小儿麻痹后遗症患者的手术与康复两位专家智慧的结合,由矫形( ortho-)和儿童( pedics )而构成。国际上骨科学的发展与康复医学的发展一直有着密切的关系。中国骨科发展迅速,康复医学紧随其后。我们都怀有骨科康复之梦,解析面临的挑战和希望,推进学科共同发展。

    rehabilitation vocational Orthopedic procedure Hospital convalescent Motion therapy continuous passive rehabilitation
  • 慢性精神分裂症患者院内职业康复社会功能疗效评估

    《中国临床康复》 CSTPCD CA 2003年1期

    AIM:To evaluate the effectiveness of hospitalized occupational rehabilitation for chronic schizophrenic patients in social functioning.METHODS:79 qualified cases were selected from chronic psychiatric inpatient departments,divided into two groups randomly,of which 45 cases of treatment group accepted hospitalized occupational rehabilitation,another 34 cases of control group accepted ordinary treatment.Social functioning was evaluated by the Scale of Social Skills of Chronic Schizophrenic In patients(SSSI). RESULTS:6 month course of research figured out that the rank of improvement of the total disability degree of the treatment was significantly larger than that of the control group(P< 0.05).Items of which rank of improvement of the treatment was significantly larger than those of the control group are participating in the occupational rehabilitation,social withdraw and concern and care about others (P< 0.01- 0.05).The level of disability of 55.6% of the treatment decreased more than that of the control (26.5% ) (P< 0.05) evaluated by SSSI.CONCLUSION:Hospitalized occupational rehabilitation is effective in improving social functioning of chronic schizophrenic patients,especially in improving items like participating in the occupational rehabilitation, social withdraw and concern and care about others.

    schizophrenia inpatient rehabilitation vocational
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