当初的小太阳、"垮掉"的一代,转瞬间跨入了三十大关,即将步入而立之年,成为社会的中坚力量.对此,不少80后感到迷茫与惊讶,还在摆弄HELLO KITTY和动漫模型的他们不相信自己就这样步入了中年! 80后该如何迎接自己的三十而立,还有哪些不足与缺憾?又应如何应对与弥补呢?
Hello and welcome to News Hour, 60 minutes of the latest news from China and around the world.(欢迎收看新闻一小时节目,在下面的60分钟里,我们将为您带来中国乃至世界的最新消息.)
过敏(Allergy)Pharmacist: Hello! Mav I help you?药师:您好,您需要些什么?Client: I found a lot of spots all over my arms when I got up this morning, and my skin feels very itchy. I thought it could be due to too much seafood I ate yesterday.
感冒(Cold)/流感(Influenza,Flu)Pharmacist:Hello!What seems to be the problem?药师:您好,您需要些什么?Client:I have a sour throat and a cough with a running nose.I also have a small headache.
胃痛(Stomachache)Pharmacist:Hello,what can I do for you?药师:您好,请问我能给您提供什么帮助?Client:Something is wrong with my stomach.顾客:我感觉胃不舒服.
消化不良(Indigestion)Pharmaeist:Hello,what call I do for you?药师:你好,有什么需要?Client:Hello.I've eaten too much this evening.I'm feeling full and uncomfortable.顾客:你好,今天晚上我吃得太多了.现在觉得胃很胀而且开始觉得不舒服.