代谢组学是继基因组学、转录组学和蛋白质组学后的新兴“组学”研究方法,是系统生物学的重要组成部分[1]。作为一门研究生物体内源性代谢物整体及其变化规律的科学,代谢组学以组群指标分析为基础,以高通量检测和数据处理为手段,以信息建模与系统整合为目标,对某一生物或细胞在特定生理时期内所有低分子量(<1000 Da )代谢物同时进行定性和定量分析,具有较好的预见性和可靠性,可准确、有效地判定不良反应程度,是寻找新型可靠生物标记物的重要手段,在疾病的早期发现、机制研究以及药物安全性评价等方面发挥着重要作用[2-5]。临床代谢组学研究的样本包括生物液体和组织,由于尿液和血液收集简单、易于长期检测及包含大量的代谢信息,已成为代谢组学研究的常用标本。对样本进行适当的前处理,使检测的准确度、精密度、重现性等符合要求,是研究的基础。代谢组学的研究对象是生理、病理过程中的代谢产物,尽可能多地减少代谢产物的损失、获得更多的代谢产物是前处理的目标,同时,需兼顾方法重现性好、前处理步骤少、节约处理时间、尽量减少引起变异因素等。根据研究对象、研究目的等的不同,前处理具体步骤也不同。因此,做好生物样本的前处理是临床代谢组学研究的重要前提。初期,代谢组学研究主要采用核磁共振波谱法( nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy , NMR )、质谱法( mass spectrometry,MS)为核心的分析技术。近年来,不同类型串联质谱仪不断发展,其不仅可以实现高通量分析,还可同时获得分子离子和子离子的精确质量数,有利于获取分子式及代谢物的裂解特征信息、有效进行未知化合物的解析,因此非常适合寻找及鉴定标志物。由于其独特的研究角度和技术优势, MS已超过NMR成为应用最广泛的代谢组学工具,并迅速应用于医学、药学及生物学的各个研究领域,取得了巨大的成就[6-9]。本文对基于液相色谱-串联质谱联用法( liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry,LC-MS/MS)的临床代谢组学研究中生物样本前处理方法进行综述。
Objectives Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) has a diverse spectrum and different incidence in different countries, the early diagnosis at presymptomatic stage is imperative to benefic patient from sequelae. Phenylke-tonuria (PKU) / hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) is the most common metabolism disorder in Shanghai as well as in other regions. The study is to further clarify the incidence of inborn errors of metabolism among newborn in Shanghai. Methods The dried blood spot specimens were collected from near 90 local maternity and children's hospitals or general hospitals in Shanghai. PKU/HPA screening was carried out by fluorometric method. Neonatal screening using tandem mass spectrometry was performed in one of the study centers, Xinhua neonatal screening center. Results A total of 815 160 cases were screened from 2001 - 2007 in Shanghai, the incidence of PKU/HPA was 1 : 12 351. The tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency was 12.9% among hyperphenylalaninemia patients. According to the 116 000 neonatal samples data detected by tandem mass spectrometry, 20 cases were confirmed diagnosis, including 6 kinds diseases, it was PKU/HPA, maple syrup urine disease, methylmalonicacidemia, propionic acidemia, 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase defection, and short chain aeyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. Conclusions The pilot study shown that inborn errors of metabolism neonatal screen-ing using tandem mass was 1 : 5 800 in Shanghai, PKU/HPA was the most common disease. It is expected that the expansion of newborn screening using tandem mass spectrometry could be further considered and further improving inborn errors of metabolism preventive services in Shanghai.
尽管色谱和质谱技术已经成为生物医学中的重要技术,但是其在临床实验室中的应用仍然比较少,一般只在少数专业实验室中进行.这是因为与现在普遍应用的临床化学和免疫学分析方法相比,这些技术要求非常熟练的操作,而且经常会出现复杂的故障.随着液相色谱串联质谱(liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,LC-TMS)技术的出现,该技术在临床检验医学工作中的应用不断扩展.