  • Objective To explore the effect of in-home fortification of complementary feeding on intellectual development of Chinese children aged below 24 months. Methods One thousand and four hundred seventy eight children aged 4-12 months were recruited and divided into study groups (formula 1 group and formula 2 group) and control group. In two study groups, in addition to the usual complementary food, children were fed with a sachet of fortified food supplement each day. Protein and micronutrients were provided in formula 1 group. Formula 2 group had the same energy intake as the formula 1 group. In addition to measurement of physical growth and detection of hemoglobin level, Development Quotient (DQ) or Intelligence Quotient (IQ) was assessed. Results The DQ of children aged below 24 months was 97.2, 95.5, and 93.8 in formula 1 group, formula 2 group and control group, respectively, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05), The DQ of children in formula 1 group, formula 2 group, and control group was 92.7, 90.4, and 88.3 respectively in the first follow up showing statistically significant differences (P<0.05). And, DQ of children in formula 1 group, formula 2 group and control group were 96.7, 94.5, and 93.7 respectively in the second follow up, showing statistically significant differences (P<0.05). Full-IQ of children in the formula 1 group was 3.1 and 4.5 points higher than that in formula 2 group and in control group respectively. Verbal IQ of children in the formula 1 group was 2.1 and 5 points higher than that in formula 2 group and control group respectively. Performance IQ was 2.5 and 3.1 points higher than that in formula 2 group and control group respectively. All above mentioned comparisons were statistically significant. Conclusion Fortification of complementary feeding showed persistent effect on intelligence development of young children which could persist to 6 years of age. The critical time for correction of anemia could be under 18 months.

    Complementary feeding Supplement Development Anemia Infant
  • 50岁以上缺铁性贫血35例分析

    缺铁性贫血是由于体内贮存铁的缺乏,影响血红素合成所引起的贫血,为贫血中最常见的类型,多见于青壮年期妇女[1]。我科自1993~1999年共收治缺铁性贫血216例,其中50岁以上者35例,现将其病因分析如下。1 临床资料 本组35例,男21例,女14例,均为我院住院或门诊病例,就诊时主要表现为贫血。所有病例均经过骨髓穿刺后确诊为缺铁性贫血,并给予铁剂治疗,同时进行病因检查,有明确病史者7例,其余病例至最后确诊时间最短为4d,最长达7个月。35例中经病因治疗及铁剂治疗后显效9例,4例显效后数月又复加重,具体病因见表1。

    结肠肿瘤/诊断 贫血 缺铁性/诊断(colonicneoplasms/diagnosis Anemia irondefiency/diagnosis)
  • 贫血对冠心病患者冠状动脉介入治疗术后急性造影剂肾损伤的影响

    Objective The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of anemia on devel-opment of contrast-induced acute kidney injury ( AKI) after percutaneous coronary intervention.Methods The subject group consisted of 1026 patients who had undergone coronary intervention procedure between January 1,2008 and October 31,2009. A nonionic,low osmolality contrast agent was used in our la-boratory at this time. Serum creatinine values were measured before and within 48 h of administration of con-trast agents. Contrast-induced nephropathy was defined as an increase of 0. 5 mg/dl or 25% in serum creati-nine concentration over baseline within 48 h of angiography, anemia as hemoglobin ( Hb) < 120 g/L in women and < 130 g/L in men. Results Among the 1026 patients studied,32(3. 1% ) experienced AKI af-ter procedure. AKI occurred in 6. 3% of the anemic patients and 2.2% of the non-anemic patients (P <0. 01). The incidence of AKI increased with decreasing of baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate ( eG-FR)in both the anemia and non-anemia groups. In patients with baseline eGFR < 30 ml· mi-1·(1. 73 m2 ) -1 ,a high proportion of both anemic and non-anemic patients experienced (24. 6% vs. 18. 5% ).When baseline eGFR was 30-59 ml·min-1·(1. 73 m2)-1 ,the incidence of in anemic patients was 2-fold higher than in non-anemic patients (7. 9% vs. 3. 8% ;P <0. 05). The amount of the contrast agent adminis-tered was similar for AKI and non- AKI patients [ (182 ±46)ml vs. (176±48) ml,P>0.05) ]. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis found that baseline eGFR and baseline hemoglobin were independent predictors of AKI. When presence of anemia was introduced into the multivariate model instead of baseline hemoglobin, it was also showed a significant association with AKI. Conclusions Anemia increases the incidence of AKI in patients with moderate renal dysfunction. Patients with both preexisting renal insufficiency and anemia are at high risk of AKI. Baseline eGFR and baseline hemoglobin (or anemia) are independent predictors of AKI.

    Anemia Nephrosis Contrast agents Angioplasty
  • 重组人红细胞生成素在肿瘤相关贫血中的应用

    《中国临床康复》 CSTPCD CA 2002年4期

    Recombinant human erythropoietin(rhEPO) is safe and effective in treating cancer related anemia and solid tumors in children through promoting recovery of hematopoietic function of bone marrow and replacing renal endogenous EPO.rhEPO can significantly elevate serum Hb levle and reduce transfusion dependancy in anemiac patients.Some studies showed rhEPO is especially effective for lymphoma and myeloma patients with lower concentration of serum EPO.EPO levle after treatment and dissolubilitive transferrin receptor 2 weeks after treatment are indexes for effectiveness of rhEPO.

    RHEPO tumor Anemia
  • The concern of iron-replacement therapy on hepatocellular carcinoma in a patient with mild anemia

    《肿瘤》 CSTPCD 北大核心 2016年11期

    hepatocellular carcinoma Iron-replacement therapy Anemia
  • Renal dysfunction and anemia features in geriatric patients with chronic heart failure

    《中国现代医学杂志》 CSTPCD 北大核心 2013年2期

    Chronic Heart Failure kidneys Anemia geriatric patients
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