“世界加速康复外科和围术期用药大会”(World congress of enhanced recovery after surgery and perioperative medicine)2015年5月9—12日在美国首都华盛顿召开。60多位国内外知名专家在大会上围绕“加速康复外科(enhanced recovery after surgery,ERAS)”进行了精彩的发言。这次会议有3个国际组织共同举办,包括:ASER (American Society for Enhanced Recovery)、ERAS Society (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Society)和 EBPOM (Evidence Base Perioperative Medicine)。参加会议的人员有外科医生、麻醉医生和ICU医生等,也有不少参加ERAS工作的护士参加。由于有循证医学组织参与办会,所以也有不少从事循证医学的研究人员与会。这次会议的形式多样,除了有大会发言和分会场发言以外,还有卫星会、继续教育项目和壁报。
The first successful demonstrations of clinically useful anesthesia took place a little over 150 years ago. Although both of these public demonstrations were made by dentists, Horace Wells (nitrous oxide) and William Morton (ether), the events revolutionized surgery. Up until that time a surgeon's skill was dependent on how fast he could operate but anesthesia allowed surgeons to take a slower and more careful approach which in turn has allowed surgical innovation and development. Initially anesthesia was given by the most junior person on the surgical team but deaths and an increasing choice of drugs resulted, by the early part of the 20th century, in the development of anesthesia as a separate and distinct medical speciality.