【recovery of fuction】相关文献(1)
  • 正颌治疗对颞下颌关节功能的影响

    《中国临床康复》 CSTPCD CA 2003年5期

    A1M: To investigate the effect of temporomandibular joint position and re-molding process and the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint inpatients undergoing orthognathic surgery.METHODS: The standardSchuller' s position radiographs were used to examine the position temporo-mandibular joint form and condylar position change of 32 case after orthognathic surgery Helkimo index was used to analyze the anamnestic and clin-ical data. RESULTS: Changes of condylar position had happened after theoperation, but within one year the conlylar had resumed the same position asthe preoperative. The change of temporomandibular joint symptoms and signsafter orthognathic surgery was not significant. CONCLUSION: The effect oforthognathic surgery on the condylar position and TMJ form is not signifi-cant, and most of the changes are within the normal adaptability of tem-poromandibular joint.

    temporomandibular joint surgery oral recovery of fuction
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